Employment Law

Employment Law

In our Labor Law Department, which is one of the cornerstones of our law firm, we provide legal services to many domestic and international companies on all matters related to labor law, within the framework of our experience. Together with our team of experts, we manage our clients’ processes of determining and implementing labor law and litigation strategies in the face of comprehensive legal regulations.

Our expert team, aware of the requirements of business life, produces timely, creative, and cost-effective solutions to all disputes and issues arising from labor law. In the field of labor law, which is constantly evolving, in parallel with this development, our expert team always follows the current developments in legislation and market practices and ensures that our clients’ businesses are fully compliant with legal legislation and practice.

Acting with the awareness that litigation is the last resort in the field of labor law, we believe that it is essential to implement preventive measures for disputes at every stage. Therefore, we provide consultancy services in the field of labor law throughout the entire process from recruitment to termination of employment. In case of disputes that require litigation, we represent our clients with all our equipment and experience at every stage of the trial, aiming to achieve the best legal outcome.