Prof. Dr. Başak Baysal

Prof. Dr. Başak Baysal

Of Counsel


Prof. Dr. Başak Baysal has been working as an Of Counsel for the firm since 2019.

Prof. Dr. Baysal received her Bachelor of Laws degree from Istanbul University and LL.M. degree from Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) University. She completed her doctoral studies at Istanbul University with his thesis titled "Adaptation of the Contract".

Between 2008-2014, she served as an Assistant Professor Dr., and between 2014-2019 as an Associate Professor at Istanbul University Faculty of Law. From 2019-2023, she served as the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Kadir Has University, where she was also offered courses for Civil Law, Law of Obligations, Climate Law and Law of Foundations.   She currently continues her duties as the Director of the Center for Application and Research of Liability Law.

Prof. Dr. Baysal’s research areas include Civil Law, Law of Obligations, Contract Law, Tort Law, Consumer Law, Comparative Law, Law of Foundations, French Law, and Construction Law. She has made significant contributions to these areas through her academic work and publications.


Areas of Expertise:

  • Civil Law
  • Law of Obligations
  • Law of Foundations
  • Liability Law
  • Consumer Law
  • Comparative Law



  • Istanbul University (LL.B, PhD)
  • Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) University (LL.M.)



  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian



Science Academy Young Scientist Award Program (BAGEP), Science Academy, April 2015



  • The Making of the Turkish Civil Code, in The Making of the Civil Codes: A Twenty-First Century Perspective, Springer, 2022, pp. 51 – 63. (with Gizem Arslan) (Scopus Index)


  • Ürün Güvenliği ve Ürün Sorumluluğu Ekseninde Sorumluluktan Kurtuluş Sebepleri, [Defenses of the Producer in the Context of Product Safety and Product Liability], (with Oğuzer), Ürün Sorumluluğu Sorumluluk Hukuku Konferansları I, İstanbul, 2022, pp. 111-173.


  • Kira Sözleşmesinin Uyarlanması, [Adaptation of Lease Agreement] Prof. Dr. Haluk Burcuoğlu'na Armağan (Ed. Oktay Özdemir/Altop/Arkan Sevim), İstanbul, 2020, pp. 431-448.


  • Koronavirüs 2019 (Covid-19) ve Sözleşmeler [Coronavirus (Covid-19) and Contracts], (with Murat Uyanık, Selim Yavuz), Covid-19 Salgınının Hukuki Boyutu, Ed. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Özekes, İstanbul, 2020, pp. 269-283.


  • Kara Avrupası Hukuk Sistemlerine İlişkin Mukayeseli Bir Analiz, [A Comparative Analysis of Civil Law Legal Systems] Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmelerinde Beklenmeyen Hal Kavramı, (Ed. Atamer/Baş Süzel/Geisinger), İstanbul, 2020, pp. 91-124.


  • Kişisel İlişkilere Hukuki Bir Müdahale: Ahlaka Aykırılık, [A Legal Interference in Personal Relationships: Immorality] Prof. Dr. Necla Giritlioğlu'na Armağan, 2020, pp. 193-202.


  • Information du consommateur en droit turc, (Ed. Straetmans), National Turkish Report, The 20th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Fukuoka, (General Congress), Springer, 2019, pp. 431ff.


  • Fransız Sorumluluk Hukuku Reformunda Sona Doğru, [Reform of French Civil Liability Law-vers la fin] in Sorumluluk Hukuku Seminerler 2017, pp. 77 ff.


  • Kaba İnşaatın Teslimini Konu Alan İnşaat Sözleşmeleri, [Construction Contracts Concerning the Sale of Rough Construction] in İnşaat Hukuku ve Uygulaması (Ed. İnal/Baysal), İstanbul, 2017, pp. 113 ff.


  • Law-Making in Turkish Private Law, in Legislators, Judges and Professors, Ed. by Jürgen Basedow, Holger Fleischer and Reinhard Zimmermann, Mohr Siebeck, 2016, pp.20-32.


  • The Adaptation of Contract in Turkish Law, in The Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts-Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision, (Ed. Başak Başoğlu), Springer, 2016, Chapter 19, pp. 313-330.


  • Tiers et Contrat en Turquie (with Oktay-Özdemir/Helvacı et al.), in Les tiers-Journées panaméennes, Ed. Association Henri Capitant, Bruylant, 2016, pp. 235-269.


  • Fransız Sorumluluk Hukuku Reformu, [Reform of French Civil Liability Law], in Sorumluluk Hukuku- Seminerler 2016 (Ed. Başak Baysal), XII Levha Publishers, Istanbul, 2016, pp. 61-97.


  • Contrat et immatériel en Turquie, (with Oktay-Özdemir/Özbilen/Kahraman et al.) in L’immatériel- Journées espagnoles, Ed. Association Henri Capitant, Bruylant, 2015, pp. 651- 668, 2015.


  • Preuve et nouvelles Technologies en Turquie, (with Ünan/Oktay-Özdemir/Özbilen et al. ) in La Preuve, Ed. Association Henri Capitant, Bruylant, 2015, pp. 663-679.


  • Yeniden Müzakere Ödevi, [ Duty to Renegotiate], Prof. Dr. Hasan Erman’a Armağan, Der, İstanbul, 2015, pp. 185-198.


  • Tüketici Kredisi, [Consumer Credits], in: Yeni Tüketici Hukuku Konferansı [Conference on the new Consumer Law], Murat M. Inceoglu (ed.), XII Levha Publishers, Istanbul 2015, pp.273- 325.


  • Türk Borçlar Kanunu m. 138 Hükmü Uyarınca Gelir Paylaşımlı İnşaat Sözleşmelerinin Uyarlanması, [Adaptation of Profit-sharing Construction Contracts Under Article 138 of the Turkish Code of Obligations], in Gelir Paylaşımlı İnşaat Sözleşmesi Çalıştayı, Ed. İnal E., XII Levha Publishers, Istanbul, 2015, pp.135-154.


  • Trafik Kazası Sebebiyle Destekten Yoksun Kalanların Araç İşletenin Sorumluluk Sigortacısına Yönelik İstemlerle İlgili Yargıtay Kararlarının Değerlendirilmesi (with Samim Ünan), [Analysis of the Supreme Court Decisions Regarding Claims by Individuals Deprived of Support Against Motor Vehicle Operators’ Insurer], XXVI. Ticaret Hukuk ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu, Bildiriler-Tartışmalar, Ankara, 2013, pp. 99-131.